Amend A Governing Document


Helen was amazing, she really knows what she’s doing

Nature Vibezzz

A Governing Document is a legal document that sets out the rules for how the charity should operate. Your Governing Document should be reviewed periodically to ensure that it continues to reflect your charity’s purposes and how your charity is run. Trustees are accountable for managing their charity in accordance with their charity’s Governing Document, and this can be hampered if the document is out of date

If you would like to find out more about how we can help you to make changes to your Governing Document, simply click on the Enquire Now button below and complete our enquiry form



This service is suitable for charities with older Governing Documents that need updating to bring the administrative provisions in line with modern practices, and those charities where the rules are not workable or do not meet your charity’s needs

Your Governing Document should contain all the information you need to run your charity, including: what the charity does (its objects), how the charity will carry out its objects (powers), who will run the organisation (trustees) and how it is to be run – including administrative arrangements for meetings, appointing trustees, voting, looking after money, how the administrative provisions can be changed and what happens if the charity wishes to or needs to be wound up

In most cases you will be able to make changes to the administrative provisions in your Governing Document without seeking permission from the charity regulator*

Our approach is to offer you a free initial telephone consultation about your proposal to amend your Governing Document to help you to decide if changes are needed and, if so, whether written permission will be needed from the charity regulator

If you then decide to use our Change a Governing Document service, we will use our expertise in charity governance to conduct a thorough review of your existing Governing Document. We will advise what changes will be needed so that it provides a modern and workable set of rules for managing your charity and explain the steps that will need to be taken to make the changes. We will prepare revised clauses and a draft resolution that can be used to adopt the changes

Included in the price of this service:

Assessment of your proposal and guidance about what you need to do to make changes to your charity’s Governing Document

Draft revised clauses that provide a modern and workable set of rules for managing your charity

Prepare a draft resolution that can be used to adopt the changes

*Please note that some changes to your Governing Document will require written permission from either the Charity Commission for England and Wales or the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR). Take a look at our Obtain Legal Permission package which includes applying on your behalf to obtain permission from the Charity Commission for England and Wales or OSCR

If you would like to find out more about changing a governing document, click on the image and take a look at our Wise Words

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